I cracked our last five eggs to scramble for Lori and Adri; the last one was a twin—something I’ve never before encountered with eggs!

Good night, Florida

Good night, Florida

Tired: The relationship between a pencil and a cassette tape — Wired: The relationship between this Apple Watch notification and a healthy pair of newborn lungs

Good night, Florida

Grungy Timelapse

Wednesday sunrise

Falcon 9 launch—2X speed
We watched the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch early Friday morning, 1:17am. The rocket deployed 22 Starling internet satellites.
Disclosure: the rocket was visible for approximately two minutes. For this video, it kinda dragged on, so I exported it at double speed and added some nebulous spacey music.

Saturday sunrise

My father-in-law is rather awesome!

Truly, honestly: I defy anyone to decipher what this product’s best by date is

Saganaki—flamed cheese

Sunday sunrise surrounded by structure
I waited till the end of this album to admit, I was absolutely bombarded with no-see-ums during the week. Not so much during the day while on the beach, but they are particularly bad at dawn and dusk. For this last sunrise of the trip, I shot from the top of a stairwell instead. Though diminished, several of these biting nuisances still found me up here!

We really know how to party at WholeLife Church Retreat
This video was shot in HDR. If you are using an HDR-compatible viewer, the YouTube copy looks vastly better: youtu.be/ZeS32RkC2eY

Thursday sunset

Good night, Florida

Giraffe at Central Florida Zoo

Dad got owned!
With zero intent to disparage women-owned business (rock on), you have to admit a certain amusement over a Dad’s™ brand root beer product labeled as such!

A van full of audio and lighting tech for coworker friend’s wedding reception tomorrow

Good morning, Florida

Thursday sunrise

Exotic Timelapse

Good morning, Florida (photo from two days ago)

Camera Timelapse

Good night, Florida

Sunday snooze session

Passport — Day 7
A crude drawing of a passport booklet stamped with today’s date by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Bald eagle at Central Florida Zoo

*cough* *cough* *hack* *gag* #pollen

Sundown sky

Good night, Florida

A beautiful Saturday afternoon at Liberty Park in Lake Mary

Peeps driving Twinkie race cars

Rust Timelapse

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Our Thanksgiving meal contributions are ready: potatoes shredded for casserole, eggs boiled and peeled to become deviled, and cans of cranberry sauce to crack open—en route to Tampa soon

Horizon Timelapse

Good night, Florida

Good night, Florida

Cuddle buddies

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Saturday afternoon scenery at Camp Kulaqua—Outdoor Chapel

My and my dad’s birthdays (5th and 11th) are close enough to Independence Day that our parties tend to lean on that theme

At last joining the ranks of Ollie solidarity

Good night, Florida

In spite of being really tired after working A/V most of the day, I had to take my new mower out for a maiden trial voyage

Good night, Florida

Cute marketing tchotchke—a mini pallet full of sticky notes

Monday afternoon arrival
We intended to leave home and arrive close to the 4pm checkin time. I had a small bit of work at the office that took much longer due to a coworker's home emergency preventing him from taking over my task. Thus, it was more like 7pm that we made it to our destination.

Good night, Florida


Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Blast from the past—Commodore VIC-20
Good heavens, I completely forgot I still had this. My first computer from maybe grade 8 or 9. A teacher had advised my mom this machine would last me for years. Upgraded to a C=64 probably within a year and a C=128 before I finished high school! Alas, I can’t try powering it up. Power supply is missing. Check out that 16K RAM expansion cartridge! Not megabytes—KILObytes!

Nomadic Timelapse

Saturday sunset selfie

Landmark — Day 31
A simple drawing of the main entrance to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

10 20 30 odometer number nerd

Home for three of the four nights of the South Florida schedule of regional pre-session meetings of our constituency session

Managing ProPresenter for a Women’s Ministries One-day Retreat

Photos simply had no prayer of depicting just how insanely vibrant a shade of chartreuse adorned this car

Wednesday sunrise

Immortal umbrella
Four Graphics hasn't existed for many years, but I'm still friends with my rep, Debby. She gave this branded umbrella to me more than 20 years ago and it still serves me well. I've never known ANY other umbrella remain useful and undamaged after two decades!

Irksome for OCD-types
Why? Just why? Pray tell why couldn't the numbers for the large and small burners be made the same with "LO" at the 6 o'clock position? This is off-centered. Other dials on my oven have a number at the bottom, so it wasn't a space issue. Maybe they tried to communicate that "LO" only uses the small inner burner. That could've been solved by extending the line on the small side further to include "LO." Argh!

On ProPresenter duty again—this time, Forest Lake Academy graduation weekend

Good morning, Florida

Excursion to Daytona Beach for putt golf

Another 1,000+ copy impressions today

I’ve known of the brushing scam phenomenon, but this is my first direct encounter
A brushing scam is when spammy Amazon Marketplace vendors pay for positive reviews, but a literal shipment has to be made which consist of cheap junky products. Two such very strange items came to my office—a pair of moist towelette packages and, inexplicably, a single blank crack-and-peel address label!

Hole 17
If you know us, you know the number 17 is very meaningful to us.

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

I swear she poses herself like this all the time—little Miss Priss

Today, on the occasion of my 54th birthday, I rolled over 100,000 miles on my 2017 Nissan!

Mom is gone, passed this morning—came to Tampa house and later saw this on the dining room table; I can’t even

Congo River Jeep

Hike — Day 8
I wanted to go tangential to what most people have drawn today—someone going on a hike. My first idea to draw a football player hiking the ball seemed too complex for my skill, so I went with a depiction of a chart measuring price hikes*.
*No actual data influenced the shape of my chart lines.

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Anybody remember doing this? (I miss FireWire Target Disk Mode)

Camera — Day 26
A simple drawing of a 35mm film camera.

I may not be fond of mandatory equipment upgrades, but I want to keep my Spectrum internet alive—and the new box is admittedly tiny and cute

Chloe eats for another month
Every month, I get two boxes (60 cans) of our dog's favorite food. She gets a can in the morning and another at night. Every time Amazon delivers, I tell her, "Hooray, Chloe gets to eat for another month!" and she dutifully gets excited!

I’m not especially fond of dried berries, so I was amused—not annoyed—that this otherwise tasty snack literally only contained three blueberries

Recipe for yum
1 hard-cooked egg. 1 spoonful dollop of mayonnaise. Smash both well in a bowl with a fork. Spread on your favorite soft bread slice. Liberally sprinkle with smoked paprika. Add a topper bread slice if desired.

Stay anchor_d… in school so you don’t commit spelling mistakes

Dad, brother, wife, and me after a wonderful meal at Rusty Pelican

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Thursday sunrise

Home again home again
Originally thinking to pack up and have a little more time on the beach before leaving, we realized there simply wasn't time before our 10am checkout. Made it home and, soon after, was visited by my dad returning our dog, Chloe, who he'd been caring for during our trip.

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Sunday sunrise

Monday morning vibes—it’s been a minute since I’ve dug out my 60s/70s/80s playlist

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

How it started…how it’s going
My preferred paper is still suffering shortages. I HATE the brand I’m having to use as an alternative. Constantly jams.

Whew—today is going to be a day

Jumbo — Day 28
Two of 7-Eleven®’s drink cup sizes—the Gulp and the jumbo size Super Big Gulp.

The name of the boat is the Barbara-Lee!

My view today—operating graphics and videos for my office’s business meeting

Ingredient intrigue
Bai Puna Coconut Pineapple is among 2–3 top contenders for my favorite beverage. However I'm having cognitive dissonance over "coconut water concentrate" as one of the ingredients.
If something is listed as "concentrate," it basically means the water was removed (dehydrated). If you remove water from coconut water, aren't you just left with…coconut?

Milestone odometer reached on my car
Yes, the image is cleaned up in Photoshop because there was dust all over the plastic cover and a bit of camera shake blur. But no, I did NOT edit the numbers to create 88888.

Working in the dungeon
I had fixed the problem with our HDMI>Ethernet baluns and thought I was all set for this night. Alas, some of the control room equipment still didn't like the balun signal, so I had to control slides isolated in a room away from the main auditorium.
At least it was NICE and COOL in the room (mid 60s) rather than mid 70s in the auditorium!

Good night, Florida

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Great food included in the Kia Center’s Legends Suite

Good morning, Florida

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Backlit cloud looks like a massive electricity arc

Entrance to Buc-ee's

Good night, Florida

Canoers on the peaceful Santa Fe River
Playing with iOS Cinematic mode with a handheld attempt at faking a crane move shot.
This video was shot in HDR. If you are using an HDR-compatible viewer, the YouTube copy looks vastly better: https://youtu.be/OC8H1XPINFw

Binoculars — Day 5 first draft
My idea was a humorous juxtaposition of a *one* eyed Minion holding a pair of *bi*noculars. As I referenced source art to draw my own version, I mistakenly matched the source that had two eyes, plus I wasn't initially sure how to draw the binoculars, so I just left it with the idea that I always thought the goggles worn by Minions were kind of like binoculars. But then, inspiration hit me the following day…

Roam Timelapse

Black Jeep of the family

Happy Christmas Eve

Special mustard delivery
My dad is kind of a nut, and I love him for it.
Yesterday morning, I shared a photo showing a jar of Braswell’s hot horseradish mustard I picked up during a 2015 trip to Savannah, GA, reminiscing on how REALLY good it was.
Shortly after noon, my dad texts me to be on the lookout for an Amazon box the next day—a surprise, just because.
The box arrived this afternoon and this was what he sent! ❤️

Butterfly pose at Central Florida Zoo

Good night, Florida

Smyrna Beach was most definitely not "ew"
Screen printing mistake on this pair of beach shorts.

Parking pattern
Apparently I’m easily amused.

Leaf blowing as a first-person shooter
I *really* wish I had the expertise to add blaster effects to this video.

Uncharted Timelapse

Passport Timelapse

Strange afternoon clouds

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Farewell to the two-decade legacy that was iPod
My 5th-generation iPod battery will never hold a charge again, but when plugged in, it still works just fine. I also still have my 3rd-generation iPod in a storage box, but it has refused to boot up even while plugged in for many years now.

Navigator Timelapse

Buc-ee's-themed 1956 Ford F-100 pickup truck

Lil’ Miss Hard-to-Get is slowly warming up to me more and more each day—currently curled up next to me in the sofa in a blanket, having a cat nap

Earlier this week—nothing on fire, just a weird cloud pillar

Happy 2nd Christmas

Hero or dummy?
I’d love to tell you an epic story of how I heroically avoided all except one large piece of falling debris while rescuing someone trapped outside in the storm—but no, I just stupidly hit my head on a low tree branch trying to pass under it with the lawnmower earlier this week.

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Long overdue arborcide
Five-minute interval snapshots from my doorbell camera showing significant lifting and thinning of my front yard trees and removing the trunk of a deceased palm.

Rhinoceros — Day 21
A re-creation of the Blue Rhino® propane gas company logo.

Political aftermath
When your office is the voting location for a county precinct, and you are your office’s representative liaison to the poll workers on Election Day, the day after is the part they don’t tell you about.

Remote — Day 12
A drawing of a 2nd/3rd-generation Siri Remote for Apple TV.

Good night, Florida

Kitty kuddles
In quite rare form, this little cutie-patootie hopped on the couch and curled up next to me completely unpersuaded before deciding being under the blanket was even better—all while our little dog Chloe slept unseen deep under the other side of the blanket pile.

Thursday sunrise

Grungy — Day 16
Pig-pen from the Peanuts comic strip.

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

13 years and I’ve only just noticed this: I would never describe the shape of ice that comes out of my refrigerator (which does look like the icon) as “cubed”

Clearly where I’m staying is a long way from offering AirPlay for Hotels
Kind of a janky setup, but it works. iPad Pro with a USB-C hub attached. The hub has a power cable, HDMI cable, and a USB mouse attached. In the usual iPad screen mirroring mode over HDMI, I couldn’t fill the external display. Had to set up extended display which required a mouse access the second display and click the option to fill the screen.

Found Sophia sleeping under a blanket with just her cute little toes sticking out

Ridge Timelapse

Having a splendid day trip for church retreat weekend

Inside the ginormous Buc-ee's store

Favorite gas station (for now)
In spite of having numerous pumps that work VERY slowly (I can confirm pump 8 speed is good), and a horrible color to the overhead lighting (this photo is color corrected), this BP is my preferred place to get gas because they're always a day or two delayed in hiking prices after everyone else has jumped (e.g. about a 25¢ hike last night). And yet they don't really delay at all in reducing prices when everyone else comes down.

Good night, Florida

It was SMOL!
Oh goodness, I found my old iPhone 3G and it still works! Granted it was last used by my wife after I got the iPhone 4, but such memories! It was SO TINY!

Good morning, Florida

Thursday sunset

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Thursday sunrise

Neither of us work directly with the men’s ministry department, but a coworker and I unexpectedly realized we both wore our ministry logo shirts today.

Sunday sunrise

Fathers’ Day Lunch

Old-school VHS capture through a DVCAM deck
All connected to my laptop via a FireWire 400 mini to standard cable, FW400 to FW800 adapter, FW800 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter, and finally a Thunderbolt 2 to Thunderbolt 3/USB-C adapter. Hooray that QuickTime still recognizes the signal.

Sunday sunrise

Step one of voting #DeathSantis out of office

Crocodile at Central Florida Zoo

At just shy of two years old, Sophia is still very much in the kitten-like “run away to play” phase—but once in a while she is willing to give cuddles

Post-zoo lunch with more family at Cheddar's

Violin — Day 30
A simple drawing of a violin (which admittedly might look more proportioned to a viola).

Via Dolorosa and Crucifixion
Scenes from 2024 Risen Experience at Forest Lake Church and Academy campuses.

I realize it’s coming in just a plain brown paper bag, but I know for a fact she’ll love what’s inside, and might love what’s NOT inside even more!

Deviled egg prep is complete

A very stormy Monday night

Good night, Florida

Dolphin sighting
Any time I spend more than just a couple hours on Florida's east coast, my hope is to spot at least one dolphin. I was not disappointed this time.

Round 3 of video support for FIRST Inspires robotic tournament

6lla de Flora
Cleaning out my photo roll and found this five-year-old sign with a typo I’d forgotten about—a mistake capital “I” at Orlando’s Gaylord Palms Resort.

Trimming the "fat"
Butchers may be skilled at trimming fat from meat—I am skilled at trimming excess laminate from hundreds of cards.

It’s unboxing day!

Rust — Day 23
A boxy red car covered in rust.

How on earth is this nephew of mine already a teenager‽ Happy 13th birthday, Mason!

Odometer fun

Inktober 2024 — 5: Binoculars, 6: Trek, 7: Passport, 8: Hike

Sunday sunrise

I’m more than just a little annoyed that one of the keycaps on my barely one-year-old Mac Studio somehow has gotten scraped up

Christmas Eve stroll through Kit Land Nelson Park in Apopka

First beach day
A lot of Tuesday was spent sleeping in and getting odds and ends in order, including some shopping trips. Didn't get down to the beach until later in the afternoon, by which time I was able to sit in the shade of the seawall without needing the beach umbrella.

Today I found a HUUUGE tumbler at Walmart that literally holds right at the minimum amount of fluids I drink daily—didn’t buy it

Sun Timelapse

Good night, Florida (actually this was last night, but hey)

Good night, Florida

Had the opportunity to hold an original 1st generation iPhone for the first time in probably more than 10 years—wow I forgot how small they were!

This looks familiar; maybe I should switch lanes

Merry Christmas from the Bennett/Bixby/Luck households

Alignment hijinks
Print shop pro tip: you generally *never* want to pre-impose your job. Always best to give the shop a PDF of one item per page and let us do the imposition.
With apologies to the customer who did this, it wasn't caught before printing, and there's simply zero time available to correct and re-print.

Snacks — Day 11
Pretzels are right up there among my favorite snack foods.

Exotic — Day 4
For this one, I did use a graphic found on a Google search for reference, but outlined/painted it completely without tracing.

Intimate-sized dining area at Piano Café-Boutique

Toner refill procrastination level: EXPERT
I genuinely can’t remember the last time I replaced toner packs in my desktop laser printer. I don’t think I’ve done it since before moving to the print shop seven years ago. All four indicators have blinked low toner all these years. But for the lightweight invoices I print, it remained adequate until only this week.

A/V duty today for annual retired worker luncheon

You know you live in Florida when…
I remember a time when virtually the entirety of Central Florida would stop what they were doing to go out and see something launch from Canaveral—especially if it was a Space Shuttle. Nowadays, I feel like launches are nothing more than one of two things: either a minor spectacle during my morning commute, or a minor annoyance that relegates the show I'm watching from a full-screen picture to a postage-stamp thumbnail in the corner.

Well-stocked once again
It’s a wonderful thing to have these shelves filled again with plenty of paper that is somewhat still scarce. And as for my favorite 12″×18″ Hammermill 60lb. cover weight sheets which is still very hard to find and that I normally only buy 3–4 cases at a time, my vendor found me an entire pallet that I got approval to buy—so I currently have more than 35,000 sheets of it!

Sunday sunrise

We really need to talk about the elephant in the room

Central Florida Zoo (aka Sanford Zoo)

Hmm, upgrades
My aging, Intel-based, battery-failing laptop for ProPresenter just wasn’t viable any more. Borrowed an M1 MacBook Pro from the PR office for a few months until I could finally obtain my new M3 laptop. Transfer went flawlessly. In spite of the 2+ estimated hours showing on the screens, it actually only took less than 40 minutes.

If someone ever tells you the print industry doesn’t require math, they are LYING
You will win MAJOR kudos if you can decipher what I was doing here.

Thin hazy clouds made the sunset glow brilliant orange tonight

AirPlay features have become very good
Note to self: before spending time Googling terribly out-of-date posts that say AirPlay can only mirror sound from audio-only Apple TV apps when you want to mirror sound from a video that’s playing, skip the Googling and just try it—it works!

Road — Day 27
A two-lane road passes over rolling hills past a few lone trees.

Selfie at the paddlewheel

Beach panorama

One generally tries to avoid being at the hospital (I’m fine, visiting someone who’ll be okay), but I must say the southwestern evening views from AdventHealth Altamonte Springs seldom disappoint

Buc-ee's mass-produced BBQ brisket sandwich (actually quite tasty)

Good morning, Florida

Inktober 2024 — 9: Sun, 10: Nomadic, 11: Snacks, 12: Remote

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Good night, Florida

iPad history: 2010–2023
Having finally located the last missing device, I now have a family photo of all five iPads I've ever owned. All of them except the original 1st-generation model still power up, thought I can't speak to how long the battery will last on the older models.
I have details of each on a web page—scroll down to iPad history: albj.net/about/computer-history/
No, at the time of this writing, I don't have immediate plans/need to upgrade.

Big party
Someone in the neighborhood is having a major shindig. It’s after midnight and there are at least two dozen cars parked along the street. Thankfully not being excessively loud.

Happy to receive gift tickets for tonight’s Orlando Magic game with seats in the Legends Suite

Drive Timelapse

Nothing left but a memory
Spent the majority of a 22-year span of time in the building that used to occupy this lot. For the last few years, it was piled up with construction equipment for the I-4 expansion project. But that’s all gone as well. Now to find out who buys the lot from D.O.T. and what new business goes in.

It’s time for the annual WholeLife Church Barn Party

So very happy my booklet finisher is repaired and operating again

A beautiful old red player piano

Good night, Florida

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Camp Timelapse

Road Timelapse

Holiday lights forming the City of Apopka logo set up at Kit Land Nelson Park

My first attempt at the helicopter meme

The dog strong-armed her way into her favorite spot, and I can’t tell if the cat is enjoying the snuggle and the pillow, or if he’s about to unleash terror

2024 Eclipse from Orlando
Shot with iPhone 15 Pro Max at 10X zoom through a disposable pair of eclipse glasses.

21-year-old relic still boots up!
Sorry, at the time this photo was snapped, I had no idea if the G4 tower barely visible still boots.

Tell me you can hear this photo—Happy New Year

Good morning, Florida

Oh 60lb Cover weight Hammermill in 18×12 size, I have missed you sorely—welcome back to my print shop!

Hella's is a very popular Greek restaurant and bakery in Tarpon Springs.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Sun — Day 9
Just a crude, simple drawing today as I continued preparations to ride out #HurricaneMilton.
Today’s prompt word amused me considering it’s something that I didn't anticipate seeing at all for the next few days.

Ever since I landed on what I deem perfect steps for cooking them, baked potatoes have become a delicious frequent occurrence—sometimes accompanied by yummy chili with beans

Hurricane Ian will not have “passed” in the “past” — that won’t happen until the future

Saturday afternoon scenery at Camp Kulaqua—beautiful day for a boardwalk stroll

Hike Timelapse

Saturday sunset

There are 120 gas pumps at the Athens, Georgia, Buc-ee's!

Good night, Florida

My coworkers seldom miss an opportunity to gather for a mini social celebration

Landmark Timelapse

Full moon through the trees
I’ve assumed for a long time the trees behind my house were fully dense. So it was a little disorienting last night taking the dog outside and seeing the moon blaring low on the horizon through a gap in the foliage.

Boots — Day 3
Sorry, small cheat tracing the outline from existing art of Boots the Monkey from Dora the Explorer. Today was an exercise in practicing shading. After tracing, I moved the source art away and colored/shaded freehand.

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Friday evening storm
The radar made it seem like this rain was headed straight for us, but ultimately only passed to the north. Another storm cell, however, did cause a downpour during the night after we'd gone to bed.

Journal Timelapse

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Not sure whether to be impressed or concerned about fiber optic internet line installers keeping at their job even during a heavy downpour!

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Good night, Florida #NoFilter
Anyone who knows me is aware I virtually never post a photo on which I’ve done no color correction or tweaks of any kind. This post is a rare exception.

Inktober 2024 — 21: Rhinoceros, 22: Camp, 23: Rust, 24: Expedition

Before and after
One of the most satisfying parts of my job is when I can take an existing item produced in house for one of my office’s departments and dramatically improve it. (Please tell me you can see the difference!)

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Sunday sunrise

Sophia discovers a toy


St. Johns Rivership Company

Sign perhaps written by a toddler

Cheetahs at Central Florida Zoo

Guidebook — Day 15
I thought of doing The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but I saw others doing that. So, I instead depicted a curriculum booklet for the Master Guide class—the highest/final level that can be earned in Pathfinders, the worldwide co-ed scouting program of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
HUGE anxiety over my intent to draw recreations of the two logos while only looking at originals for reference with NO tracing, but I’m pretty happy with the result.

Sabbath morning bliss with a sofa full of blankets and fur-babies

Mom, she’s laying in my space again!

It's the time of year I get to park at my office next to these lovely azaleas

Wild skies this evening

Rusty Pelican restaurant entrance

Will you permit me to boast for just a second on my packaging tape box-cornering skill?

Friday night sweetness

It’s becoming my speciality to provide deviled eggs for my family’s special meals

Anniversary lunch
A wonderful midweek treat of a meal for our 13th anniversary.

Inktober 2024 — 17: Journal, 18: Drive, 19: Ridge, 20: Uncharted

Inktober 2024 — 29: Navigator, 30: Violin, 31: Landmark

Roam — Day 14
Roam if you want to!

My job is done—happy Thanksgiving!

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

A sticky note that was actually helpful for once
Sticky notes aren't generally my thing. I normally only stock 12×18 size of this paper. Ended up with some little-used 11×17 a couple years ago and have been trying to find a job suitable to use it up and get it off my shelf. Today, this sticky note did its job and reminded me the 11×17 was perfect for some flyers I was about to run on 12×18 size, and used up almost all of what I was trying to get rid of.

Felt a little like being with our own church family having some of the WholeLife praise team as this year’s Camp Meeting musicians

Good morning, Florida

Good night, Florida

These days I endeavor to avoid candy like this, but a small pack of one of my favorites is always a welcome birthday treat

Obligatory group selfie

Good night, Florida

Inktober 2024 Prompt List

Holiday illumination on trees at Apopka’s Kit Land Nelson Park

New Smyrna Island
Funny, but unintentional—my panorama shot made the beach look like an island!

Leopard at Central Florida Zoo

Good night, Florida—stay safe in the storm

The dog days of cat naps
Processed with Focos

I chose this dish that is something like a Greek lasagna, but it's described as, "Famous casserole of ziti, ground beef, Romano cheese and baked with a creamy sauce." It came with rice pilaf, a wedge of Greek-style potato, and peas which, in spite of probably coming from a can, had a very enjoyable seasoning.

My sister-in-law found an addictive little game in the Marshall’s clearance section—Shut the Box

GUYS! IT’S TRUE—these caps really do open a lot wider than you think!

Black bears at Central Florida Zoo

Scarecrow Timelapse


30-year recognition
Today, in addition to the expected 30-year pin and certificate, it was a surprise that 30 years was the threshold at which they also handed out fancy little glass awards. Yay me!

Saturday sunrise

Anniversary day on the beach
In spite of the heat advisories, there was a blatant difference in temperature under any kind of shade, and the sea breeze made it tolerable.

Congrats, SpaceX team

Wrapping up a celebration day for four July birthdays (plus two more in absentia)

Good morning, Florida

Arrived this morning to discover the Extron input scaler having a conniption, so we had to improvise

Anniversary sunset

Nomadic — Day 10
Would a person who carried a Nomad device be considered nomadic?
I permitted myself a pass being late with this drawing—you know, riding out Hurricane Milton and all. Didn’t want to drain my iPad battery needlessly while I was without power most the day. (And no, I never owned a Nomad. I used Apple iPods.)

My little package of Airheads™ Bites are masquerading as the Flickr logo

Asian Lantern Festival
Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens, Sanford

Stormy evening
I don't remember the rain ever reaching us, but I used the opportunity to take some artful license with filters to create this shot.

Ridge — Day 19
Ruffles® Have Ridges™

Sunday sunrise

Good night, Florida
No, this isn’t quite what the sky looked like when I snapped the photo. It’s significantly edited to depict what I imagine it looked like five minutes before I walked outside.

The perils of very humid and very warm Florida mornings combined with a penchant for driving to work with the AC running pretty strong

Schmidt Auditorium looking quite different than what I remember 35+ years ago (Alumni Weekend 2024)

Drive — Day 18
Drawing of an external USB hard drive. The enclosure is familiar burnt yellow with a white USB insignia. The front is silver/gray with black slits.

Turkey 2022 was a success
My late mother was always the source of my holiday turkey fix. This year, my culinary school-enrolled stepdaughter stepped up and knocked it out of the park!

Introducing my print shop’s new hotness—a Canon imagePRESS V1000
There’s still a bit of configuration before it’s fully operational (can’t use the booklet trimming finisher yet) which now won’t be till next week due to Hurricane Milton storm shutdowns, but I’ve already been running nonbooklet jobs. It just screams up to 101 impressions per minute. The older C810, now my secondary copier, was only 80 IPM.

In spite of grieving the loss of my mother last Wednesday, Lori, the girls, and I enjoyed Father’s Day lunch at BJ’s with my dad who’s staying at my house the next two nights

Today just keeps on giving

Very possibly the heaviest hail I’ve ever personally encountered.

Upgrade day!
The obsolete and end-of-life black-ink-only Océ varioPRINT 110 that formerly lived against the left wall has been disassembled and will be hauled off for recycling. The Canon C810 that was on the right wall was detached from the booklet trimmer yesterday and moved to the left wall. It will be revived into operation later today. A new Canon V1000 is also arriving today to go on the right wall with the booklet trimmer attachment added. Super excited for the increased productivity of being able to run two color jobs simultaneously.

Condo property
This panorama includes a bit of the the courtyard area from the prior photo, adding the oceanfront pool and beach beyond.

Guidebook Timelapse

Good night, Florida

Good morning, Florida (photo from two days ago)

Documenting Hurricane Ian’s passing
I’m truly astonished my Ring doorbell camera kept capturing images during the time I lost power. Never realized it would buffer the interval snapshots until WiFi was restored so it could upload them. Clearly the device’s battery lasts at least 13 hours which was the duration I had lost power.

Various family members with various travel plans translate to our family Christmas happening tonight instead of next weekend

Good night, Florida

New office toy—HP DesignJet XL 3600 MFP

My father-in-law is in zero danger of losing awards for his master leaf-blowing skills, but I did tolerably well for my first go—and gratitude to him for loaning the blower

My part is done—now my wife decorates

10 11 12

Sunday sunrise

Good night, Tennessee

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

A trusty pair of needle nose pliers is sometimes just what’s needed when a small shred of paper wedged between rollers has brought your multi-hour print job to a screeching halt

Shuffleboard game
I truly have no clue the last time I played. Took a while to remember it takes a lot less force than you think to slide the pucks to the opposite side.

WLC SNL Host Stevie pays the consequences of losing the game
I smell a rigged game—Stevie was always the one who'd lose his hair.
This video was shot in HDR. If you are using an HDR-compatible viewer, the YouTube copy looks vastly better: youtu.be/zE1FkJTie2U

Home is in between me and this storm—which will get there first?

Weather didn’t give us a pretty sunset, and this photo is dramatically processed, but we still enjoyed a very nice window table overlooking the bay

REALLY glad we weren’t traveling the opposite direction—several miles of parking lot due to traffic being diverted off the interstate (unsure if construction or crash)

Crudest possible version of a pinhole camera, but I can officially say I glimpsed today’s eclipse

Oh nothing, just printing 14 *thousand* flyers to be distributed around the state

Update to a classic
The Bic four-color ballpoint pen was the dream school supply for every ’70s and ’80s kid. If you had one, you were cool. Yes, I had one. And now I have this one, thanks to my employer’s health insurance provider.

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Camp — Day 22
A simple, colorized line drawing of a tent set up in a campsite with hills, trees, and mountains in the background.

Finishing the evening with family dinner at Tijuana Flats

Inktober 2024 — 1: Backpack, 2: Discover, 3: Boots, 4: Exotic

Trek Timelapse

Wednesday sunrise

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Have blanket, will lay on it

Thank you, BJ’s Wholesale, for the gas price break!
Most gas in my area right now is between 3.89 and 4.09. BJ’s Clermont was already good at 3.77. Offer for this month is 50¢ off per gallon after $100+ purchase in the store (which I needed anyway). 3.27 per gallon is great!

Selfie before boarding

Inktober 2024 — 25: Scarecrow, 26: Camera, 27: Road, 28: Jumbo

Aft side of the boat featuring the paddlewheel

Meg looks for a drink at Central Florida Zoo

Good morning, Florida

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Tarantula at Central Florida Zoo

Live GPS tracking

Backpack Timelapse

Visited mom and her parents today

Sunday sunrise

Good morning, Florida

Thursday sunrise

Giraffes at Central Florida Zoo

Discover — Day 2
A very stylized depiction of Benjamin Franklin's discovery of the correlation between lightning and electricity.

Local ice cream shop
Cool Treats for NSB was in the shopping plaza across the street from our condo. The hand-make all their own ice cream. I had delicious salted caramel and Lori had a dairy-free chocolate chip that she said was perfect.

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

The river boat for our party

I love to see it!
No regrets dumping Spectrum 300/10mbps for AT&T Fiber 500mbps. Awesome ping rate too! And I just now successfully logged into the modem and turned off the WiFi radio since I use my own router. Don’t need to be broadcasting the extra WiFi signal.

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Rhinoceros at Central Florida Zoo

Navigator — Day 29
I have always LOVED the Trimaxion drone ship from Disney’s Flight of the Navigator. One of the practical models of the ship sat deteriorating in the weather and was featured on the long-gone backlot tour at Hollywood Studios Florida. I saw it several times before the car stunt show (prior to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge) eliminated the tour.

It was suggested maybe my hand was causing the shape of the eclipse, so my wife found a card and punched a hole in it—still works!

Giraffe at Central Florida Zoo

When your ceiling tile installer doesn’t math out the geometry quite right and has to cut a nickel-sized piece of tile to fill a hole!

Good night, Florida

Remote Timelapse

Good morning, Florida


Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Journal — Day 17
A journal book with a leather cover and strap for holding it closed.

Paper shortages are real, y’all—a job tomorrow will basically use up what’s left here, then I simply can no longer do full bleed 8.5x11 booklets

Beautiful sunset over Congo River

The paddlewheel

Managing graphics and videos this weekend up at the camp—so glad my station is isolated in the translator booth in spite of fairly strict mask enforcement

Discover Timelapse

Violin Timelapse

My late mother once guessed she probably prepared more than 100 turkeys in her life; this is the first my dad made after watching her do them year after year, and it looks perfect!

Pure unfiltered rottenness

Video clips ending with a time lapse shot while passing beneath Highway 17/92 and Interstate 4

Tree tracks

Didn’t observe any appreciable damage in my neighborhood except for two large trees down and a third losing a major limb; all three in the park and didn’t hit any buildings—literally missed smashing a picnic table by two inches!

Thursday sunrise

Loads of fun at today’s office Christmas party, in spite of now being thoroughly sore and exhausted from A/V duty

Pro tip: if slicing your hand is unavoidable, try to have it happen on a callus so it doesn't bleed at all

Saturday afternoon scenery at Camp Kulaqua—Prayer Place

Time again for robotics tournament video support

Time again for the annual Myers Easter Egg hunt

What the‽‽…it’s only early May!!

Obligatory park selfie at Central Florida Zoo

Taking aim

Sunday sunrise

So very cool getting to share meals with our friends Luis and Marisol at Camp Meeting

Horizon — Day 13
EPCOT's Horizons on the horizon!

Boots Timelapse

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Ice cream solves everything
It must be true. It's right there on a neon sign!

Peaceful ending
The reunited furballs wasted no time settling right back into their routines and enjoyed some couch cuddles.

Full moon
Thanks to the tetraprism-driven 5X optical zoom lens of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, this is the first time I’ve ever shot a photo of the moon with my phone that I am genuinely happy with. Some past attempts weren’t awful, but not great either. But I’m very impressed with this handheld shot.

I have been driving for 37 years; marking today as the first time I’ve had to crawl over to the driver seat from the passenger side because some doofus parked only about 12 inches from the driver side door
I’m just glad I had the van instead of my car—not sure I could’ve gotten across the car’s center console.

Monday sunset
Spent a little time at dusk on the beach.

Scarecrow — Day 25
A scared crow!

I fully approve of the prominently mounted Mac Mini driving the promo display monitor in the window that faces outside

Beach fauna
Not sure what kind of bird this is. Not a traditional seagull. But the poor thing was missing a foot and was hobbling around on just a stump on one leg. :-(

Admittedly it’s been a minute since I’ve seen my blood sugar that low!
Very surprised this morning to see a glucose reading less than half what I’ve been at each morning lately. I’m okay now—I had some bread and peanut butter and four hours later it’s at 115. Yes, I’m watching this carefully.

Downtown Community 2.0—acoustic edition

Technology success story
After I left the communication department in 2017, I no longer had my 1-2 visits quarterly to the magazine mail service way down in south Orlando which I would often use as an excuse to have lunch at one of my favorite restaurants located nearby.
Upon helping another department use this mail service this week, I offered to drive the postage checks down to the location and, of course, enjoy the restaurant for the first time since October 2019.
I got all the way down here and was suddenly brokenhearted to realize I had taken the work truck and mistakenly left my wallet in my car back in Altamonte Springs. :-( And the restaurant unfortunately doesn’t accept Apple Pay.
BUT—there’s a Bank of America diagonally across the street, and nearly all BoA ATMs now let you use an Apple Pay device instead of your debit card.
A quick $20 withdrawal, and I’m now enjoying a helping of the best beef brisket in Orlando! (Sorry, 4 Rivers, Cecil’s has you beat, no contest.)

Thursday sunrise

This many members of our family coming together is a rare treat—I just wish the reason for the gathering wasn’t because an important person is missing

Definitely not a time to be outdoors in central Florida

Wednesday sunrise

Full moon stealing the show of a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch

Binoculars Timelapse

Expedition — Day 24
The Ford motor company logo above word art for their carmaker’s SUV models of increasing size, Escape, Explorer, Expedition, and Excursion.

The shot from the official Dazzling Nights kiosk
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Condo courtyard
Our unit overlooked a beautifully landscaped courtyard. Unfortunately, it was just too hot to make use of the seating area at the end of the boardwalk.

#LeavesForDays #StraightOuttaMyYard

Busy, but fun, day switching cameras and running graphics for today’s FIRST Inspires robotics tournament—don’t recall ever before managing content filling all eight primary switcher inputs: 5 cameras and 3 different computers!

Good night, Florida

If you ever hear me say I have to move a ton of paper, please believe me when I say I am really not exaggerating

I suppose Pandora’s proofreader wasn’t paid in full

Major thunderstorm rolling through

Blanket buddies

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Expedition Timelapse

Binoculars — Day 5 second draft
…I realized it wouldn't be hard to erase one of the eyes and move the remaining one to the center, and I also had an epiphany on how to very simply depict a pair of binoculars. So I posted an updated version of the day 3 drawing.

Inktober 2024 — 13: Horizon, 14: Roam, 15: Guidebook, 16: Grungy

A rare moment of peace, harmony, and tranquility

Tennessee storms really have a different vibe than Florida storms

Working smarter, not harder (see Flickr description)
For nearly 4½ years, I've unloaded one or two dozen cases of copier paper every couple months into the niche where I store them.
Inspiration struck today when I suddenly realized I could simply drop the entire pallet into the niche!
Granted, I had to slide the entire production copier to the left about 12 inches to give enough clearance for the pallet jack to make the 90° turn, but it works!

Cool shadow streaks from the setting sun

The monthly FPM project
Both of my production copiers running full-tilt for approximately four hours to produce more than 2,000 20-page booklets. Recorded with an iPhone 15 Pro Max in Cinematic mode, 4K, 24fps, and edited in iMovie with Comic Cool effect applied.

Another great weekend at Camp Kulaqua for Florida Conference Camp Meeting—I get to work with a fantastic media team crew

That’s a wrap—celebrating completion at Applebee’s!
Marathon travel to eight locations all around the state for regional meetings is complete and a success. Thanks to Abdiel for treating staff to a late night dinner.

Awesome dinner prepared by my stepdaughter
After a very busy (but very good) day, it was a splendid treat to enjoy this dinner. My stepdaughter is studying culinary arts, and she plussed my idea for basic steak and baked potato into this masterpiece all with her own seasoning blend. And the she used a nondairy heavy cream to make the potato purée so my wife could also enjoy. I’d have never been able to guess there was no dairy (or gluten) on this plate! (Photo by my wife because I was too hungry and eager to snap one of my own!)

Cool clouds

5G iPod nostalgia
Oh don't mind me, I'm just over here having some nostalgia playing with my resurrected fifth-generation iPod. Playing Mahjong on a click wheel is frustratingly tedious, but the music and sound effects are beautiful.

Waiting for our table

The paddlewheel

Most of my coworkers on the main deck

Rhinoceros Timelapse

Uncharted — Day 20
A simple sketch of a compass.

RIP Mophie hip/belt phone holster—you gave almost a decade of faithful service

404 error: fossil fuel not found

Time for the >6-hour monthly prison ministry newsletter job
Meanwhile, the other production copier is running 11,500 men's ministry certification cruise flyers!

Home for a week
Finally settling in, we decided our condo rental was refreshing and modern, but still with a touch of the good kind of "shabby."

Yes, as a matter of fact I do take milk in my tea, Earl Grey, hot!

Trek — Day 6
Even before Inktober officially started, as soon as I knew today’s prompt was “Trek,” it was a foregone conclusion I’d be drawing the Starfleet delta symbol combadge.

Operation Earn-Little-Miss-Hard-To-Get’s-Trust seems to be progressing along pretty well

Thursday sunrise

I would tell you to not be a dummy, but even dummies know how to do social distancing—what’s your excuse?

Jumbo Timelapse

The Christmas storage shelves are at last back in order and put away

Opposite the bright orange sunset sky, a complete rainbow

Giraffe at Central Florida Zoo

September sparks
Evening lightning in the distance, set to soothing guitar tunes.

Good night, Florida

Human, stay

My Ring doorbell said they could leave a message, so this is the message my stepdaughter’s best friend left for me - LOL

Grateful to my dad who I visited today for a brake pad replacement

A heavily Christmas-decorated home near Kit Land Nelson Park

Good night, Florida

Snacks Timelapse

M4 Mac mini unboxing
It is very very smol!

Good night, Florida

Ready for lunch

This is why you want a square-fold feature when you print booklets

Backpack — Day 1
I'm resisting the urge to re-use this same art which works for several upcoming prompts: backpack, trek, hike, nomadic, roam, expedition.

Camera obscura
I discovered a rudimentary camera obscura at my office. The round holes in a metal shelf focus the rectangular light fixtures in the ceiling onto the paper boxes below.

Florida skies are a mood

Wednesday sunrise

Piano Café-Boutique in downtown Winter Park, Florida

Didn’t realize another rocket was going up this morning so soon after the Falcon Heavy, but there it was, on my way to work—kudos SpaceX team, but not to Space Karen!

I’m seemingly developing a low-key addiction to preparing and keeping hard-cooked eggs available in the fridge as often as possible

Time or technical difficulty?
Totally not realizing the time, I glanced at my DVR box and thought it was having some sort of meltdown.

Sunday sunrise

Saturday family lunch gatherings are the best

Saturday afternoon scenery at Camp Kulaqua—King Chapel

Fabulous full moon tonight

Good morning, Florida

If you knew my mom and happen to be near my office, you’re welcome to stop by and receive a little gift treat and a copy of her life sketch and program booklet from this weekend’s memorial service

Spine-printing success (mostly)
Ever since my office acquired the booklet finisher, I’ve wanted to experiment with printing specifically on the square folded spine portion. Finally got the chance to do that today. It’s not perfect alignment, and the designer didn’t account for where the staples would go, but overall not bad at all.


Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Dazzling Nights
Harry P. Leu Gardens, December 18, 2021

Sunday sunrise

Good morning, Florida (pic from yesterday)—stay safe today in this weather

Porcupine at Central Florida Zoo