Yearly Archive: 2009


Eight years ago…

On 9/11/01, I was in Washington State visiting my brother, his wife, and nephew who had been born just five days earlier. My cell phone rang about 7:00am Pacific Time (more than an hour...


Six letters

Vowels by Christian Bök loveless vessels we vow solo love we see love solve loss else we see love sow woe selves we woo we lose losses we levee we owe we sell loose...


User registrations

That’s it. I’m disabling the ability for anyone to register for a user account on this blog. I doubt this will concern anyone since there have been only two others besides myself to sign...


WordPress 2.8

WordPress’ auto-upgrade didn’t even require me to think. Once click and I’m now up to version 2.8. Sweet. Not entirely sure what all is new, though. Guess I ought to head over to the...


Iconfactory missed the point

The other day, I sent the following e-mail to support about Twitterrific 2.0 for iPhone: I seem to recall this bug in Twitterrific 1.x for iPhone, and then it was fixed, and now it’s back...


Gallery upgrade

My photo albums at have been running under the aging Gallery version 1 web engine for several years, and I’m very much ready to make a change. A few weeks ago, I purchased...


WordPress 2.7.1

I just updated this WordPress installation to 2.7.1—finally. I was all prepared to carefully follow the instructions until I remembered that my web host uses Fantastico, so I decided to try it that way....


A soapbox moment about text messaging

I’m having a bit of cognitive dissonances about text messaging. I’m not adding anything the debate which has already been dragged through the coals. Just hammering out some thoughts, and ultimately explaining the facts...


Dealing with negative people

This is something to think about when negative people are doing their best to rain on your parade. So remember this story the next time someone who knows nothing, and cares less, tries to...


ZÜCA Pro mini review Before I start talking about the case itself, I’ll share a brief tale. I ordered a ZÜCA Pro bag via in mid-December. Ace Photo Digital was to fulfill the order and the...


I’m at Macworld 2009!

As I type this entry, I’m sitting in the official media room for Macworld, located in Moscone South. Yes, that means that I was approved for a media registration and will be admitted to...


Did we really need a full press release on this?

ATPM friends Chris and Eric and I were discussing which is worse, the fact that someone wrote the app, or the fact that someone wrote a full-blown press release. Believe me, this is hilarious!...