Celebrating six years of blogging

I meant to type this post much earlier today, but it was a busy day at work and I simply never got around to it.

Today marked my 6th anniversary of blogging. Okay, you may have some cognitive dissonance over the fact that I don’t reliably blog any more ever since getting into Twitter, but the fact that I’m posting a blog entry about the anniversary should help quell any disparagement. Indeed, I don’t believe I’ll ever soon completely give up operating a weblog. I’ve only diminished how often I use it, because of Twitter.

In 2003, my first blog was D.T.P. by Lee. I had just barely managed to set up a Blosxom-powered site in time for the Superbowl which fell on the last weekend in January vs. the first Sunday of February as it does this year. That blog later gave way to The Second Initial, and then to this WordPress engine on ALBj.net which is used just for occasional thoughts that are too lengthy for the confines of a Tweet.

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

1 Response

  1. Looks like you were just a few months ahead of me. My first blog post was on April 22, 2003 – http://clubjuggler.livejournal.com/504.html

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