Fade to/from black on iMovie for iPhone
I’ve been asked once or twice how I pulled off a fade to or from black in the little videos I’ve edited with the iMovie for iPhone app since the app lacks the native capacity to do so. Until such time that Apple sees fit to add this functionality, the workaround is simple: just keep a 1280×720 PNG image synced into your phone and dissolve to/from that image. Yes, you could simply turn off the LED flash and take a picture with the lens buried into something with no light. The perfectionist in me, however, prefers a black with absolutely no grainy noise introduced by the camera’s imaging sensor trying to brighten up the image as far as it can in order to see something. Moreover, I use a PNG file instead of JPG to avoid any possibility of JPG artifact noise. I’ll lend you a bit of a hand, too: here’s the PNG file you can simply save and sync into your phone. Click the small preview below to load the full size version, and enjoy.