The forecast: mostly cloudy

I am really excited about Apple’s new iCloud service, and insanely impressed that it’ll be free. It’s perfect for me because the ability to synchronize my calendars and contacts instantly across my devices is the only part of the now-defunct MobileMe that I cared for. I had other solutions that mirrored the rest of MobileMe’s features, so $99 per year was too high a price if I only used the sync features.

I’m not saying MobileMe’s price was unreasonable—only that it was a value if you could legitimately benefit from all of its features. If Apple had made just the synchronization features available for a subset annual cost, I’d have almost certainly bought into it.

Yes, admittedly, I’m somewhat of an Apple Fanboy. But can you blame me when Apple makes stuff that works this well?

I am curious of one thing, though: for those who were using the 20+ GB of MobileMe storage, what happens to them? I’ve not read anything about file storage. In fact, the only fee-based feature I’ve seen is the amnesty scenario for music not purchased from iTunes. That feature doesn’t increase storage. I’ve read nothing but 5 GB on all the PR. So do MobileMe storage customers have to pull down the potentially dozens of gigabytes worth of data and find some place else to put it?

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