I suppose you could say ALBj.net is now at v2.5

Last April, I rolled out a whole new theme for this web site as part of its eighth anniversary. Today, although I’m just a bit less than two months away from the ninth anniversary, I’ve implemented some considerable retooling of the menus. Amazing how quickly this can be done thanks to WordPress’s customization tools.

It’s still the same theme, but with adjustments that make it look like a somewhat new site. I felt the sidebar links were getting too cluttered, so nearly all the links that were in the left sidebar are now at the top below the header, as well as at the bottom in the footer. All my social networking links as well as my photo and video collections are in the header/footer menus as well, making use of hierarchical menus. This allowed me to segregate some of the obsolete/deprecated links that I wanted to retain, but not be so prominent.

Both sidebars have been rearranged as a result. The blog post menu and links to featured posts have been moved from the right to the left with more prominence and the date each entry was published.

Links to my old web sites, which were formerly obfuscated way down at the bottom of the left sidebar, are now a bit more visible in the right sidebar. Thanks to a plug-in that my friend, Laura, pointed me to, the list of old/former sites now has a link to the original theme/design of of this site. Unlike the other links, the ALBj.net v1.0 link is not a fully browsable archive of the old site. Rather, it is a link that will re-skin the current page you’re viewing with the old theme. The site will return to the modern theme upon navigating to any other page.

Just for fun, I also added a countdown widget in the right sidebar in preparation of this site’s tenth anniversary. Once that date passes, perhaps I’ll think of something else to count down to. Maybe, just maybe, it’ll be something of greater consequence! :-)

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