About Me

Quick History

  • Raised in Seffner, Florida.
  • Lived in same house from age 2 until I left for school.
  • Attended grades 1-10 in Tampa. Yep, same school all 10 years.
  • Attended boarding academy near Orlando for grades 11 and 12.
  • Spent first two college years in Tennessee.
  • Finished last two college years in Michigan.
  • Graduated in 1992 with a Bachelor of Technology in Media Technology/Media Communication.
  • After graduation, obtained a communication department internship back in central Florida which became a full-time position lasting 25 years. In this role, I performed all sorts of desktop publishing projects; audio and video editing; journalistic, event, and portrait photography; audio/visual equipment management; ad infinitum.
  • On August 9 (8/9/10 @ 11:12 am), I married my sweetie, Lori. We currently reside in Apopka, northwest of downtown Orlando.
  • In 2017, the communication department at my office was deprecated and replaced with a public relations office staffed by contracted workers. Rather than lose my job, I was fortunate to receive approval to transfer to the service center where I primarily serve as print shop manager, and I also assist with mail/shipping/receiving, office supplies, and physical plant upkeep.

Esteemed Colleagues

I served as web editor with About This Particular Macintosh since March 2000. The publication officially produced its last issue May 2012. One of my roles was to check for rendering mistakes in each issue’s HTML edition before it went public. I also kept the link pages up to date and contributed a number of articles, reviews, and desktop wallpaper images over the years. For the indefinite future, I’ll continue monitoring comments posted to the pages.

In addition, my involvement with ATPM resulted in my becoming acquainted with my best online friend.


I used to occasionally mention my pride of being a Macintosh user by the fact that I own a custom license plate that reads, well, MAC-USER! I had considered giving it up, deciding I had it long enough, but in all likelihood I’m going to keep this plate for as long as I’m still driving.